Food Fantasy Wiki

Airship Basics 

Important: Air Ship becomes available once player reaches Level 22

Step 1. Tap on the ‘small crab’ icon located at the lower right corner of the map to open Air ship screen. 

Step 2. Tap on the thumbnails in the Airship to begin loading crates. If you don’t have enough materials, tap the go to button to obtain more relevant materials. You can also spend diamonds to complete the materials. 

Step 3. Tap the “Load” button to load materials.  

Step 4. Once all crates have been fully loaded, tap on the “set sail” icon located near the lower right corner to set sail.  

Step 5. Once the ship sets sail, it’ll return in 8 hours. You’ll be able to check what materials are needed for the next Air Ship. Make sure to prepare in advance~

Reminders & Tips: 

  • Air Ship material requirements are also randomly generated. At least 2 types, at most 4 types. 
  • Air ship rewards are also randomly generated. 
  • Medals received when the Air ship sets off is equal to the number of chests.
  • Shards received when the Air ship sets off is random. A chance to receive SR shards and UR Cloud Tea Shards.
  • The cost for speeding up Air ship is 1 diamond per every 3 minutes (less than 3 will be charged as 3)

Loading List

Setting Sail & Rewards
