Food Fantasy Wiki

Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime

Tombstones, dead trees, a few patches of green, and a hazy mist of rain.

Boots trudged through a street of mud, to the pitter-patter of raindrops.

A girl holding an umbrella squatted down and placed a basket and flowers.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Another year has passed, Master Attendant.

Main1-2 →

Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-97
Background Music
Qingtuan’s Memory
A murmuring brook, streaming rain, swaying willow branches, and the aroma of flowers.
Portrait-Spring Flower
Gentian flower, turtle shell... angelica root and aster...

Pinellia, ginseng... Boil and consume together...

...What are you reciting?
Portrait-Spring Flower
A formula for medicine.
Portrait-Spring Flower
This part says Gentian flower soup.
Only you could remember such arcane names.

1. This is what Master Attendant taught to me. (Qingtuan +15)

2. Actually, it's not that hard. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +5)

3. I've recited it many times. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

Portrait-Spring Flower
After all, physicians can’t make mistakes, so you’ve gotta be sure about what you’re learning and commit it to memory.
Is that... so.

Then... being a physician... is really tough...

Gasp–– Gasp––

Portrait-Spring Flower
The girl turned.

The woman lay in the grass, having drifted off to sleep at some point.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Seriously?... You’ll catch a cold.
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime - Outskirts
Portrait-Spring Flower
...You’ll catch a cold sleeping here.
Repeating those words, the scene in her memory overlapped with the present.

The girl walked forward and tried to cover the youth from the wind and rain.

← PrologueMain1-4 →

Portrait-Spring Flower
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime - Outskirts

The youth took the arm extended out by the girl.

As she was reaching over with her umbrella, he had already opened his eyes. His keen eyes scanned the girl, and he quickly settled back down.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Ah! Sorry.

The youth seemed to become another person, letting out a reassuring smile.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I didn’t scare you, did I?
Portrait-Spring Flower

1. Then alright. (Qingtuan +5)

2. I am truly sorry. (Qingtuan +15)

3. Apologies, apologies. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Might I ask who you are?

The girl shook her umbrella.

Portrait-Spring Flower
You’re going to get soaked sitting here.
Story Bg-97
Huangshan Maofeng Tea’s Memory – Farcloud Temple of Long Ago
Background Music

The sound of the rain roared through the damp air. In the downpour, a young girl holding an umbrella walked slowly towards the youth.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Maofeng, what are you doing standing here? You’ll be soaked.
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I’m being punished.
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
What did you do wrong this time?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
He said I don’t know how to behave properly.
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake

The girl leaned over and held the umbrella over the both of them.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
I’ll stand with you, alright?

← 1-2Main1-6 →

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-97
Background Music
Huangshan Maofeng Tea’s Memory – Farcloud Temple of More Recent Days

Lofty mountain peaks poking through the clouds. Ruins and rubble litter the mountain.

The formerly grand and magnificent Farcloud Temple is now reduced to tattered walls.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Huangshan Maofeng Tea, what are you doing standing here?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I’m thinking of the master.
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
The master?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
It used to be, whenever I did something wrong, I’d have to stand in punishment.

1. ...Serves you right! (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +5)

2. You deserved to be punished. (Qingtuan +15)

3. I'm sure he didn't let you off lightly. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

The slight look of sorrow on the youth’s face caused the girl to suddenly grow quiet.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea

You’re right, Osmanthus Cake. If the master was still around, I’d definitely get punished, wouldn’t I?

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
...What did you do this time?

The youth held back a smile and sunk into reverie.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Perhaps... it was something I didn’t do...
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
What a tricky memory...

A hard-to-read, bitter smile showed on the youth’s face as he muttered to himself.

Portrait-Spring Flower
What did you just say?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea

Raising his face, the youth beamed a relaxed and chipper smile.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
My name’s Huangshan Maofeng Tea. And you?
Portrait-Spring Flower
I’m Qingtuan.

← 1-4Main2-2 →

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts

Misty drizzle, white blossoms, and on the flagstones, two people shoulder-to-shoulder under an umbrella.

Their clothes rustles and calla lily petals drifted in the breeze.

The girls’ gentle demeanor and the young man’s free and easy bearing lent an air to the misty graveyard, making it not gloomy or off putting in the least.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Qingtuan, who are you here to remember?

The youth’s voice was flat, not like his usual teasing manner.

Portrait-Spring Flower
...My Master Attendant

The girl’s voice also sounded a little downcast, but neither thought it unusual since they’d never met before. But the young man still saw something in the girl’s face.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
You’re a little happy, aren’t you?
Portrait-Spring Flower
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
After all, it’s not every day you can come for a visit, right?

The youth lifted his head and looked out past the umbrella, as if he was trying to pierce the curtain of rain obscuring the countryside with his gaze.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Tomb sweeping festival only comes once a year.

The girl was momentarily stunned, pulling back the corners of her mouth without realizing it and showing a very forced smile.


1. True... (Qingtuan +5)

2. Yeah.. okay. (Qingtuan +15)

3. You're right. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

Seeing the trace of bitterness in the girl’s smile, the young man suddenly clapped his hands and raised his tone.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Want a reading?
Portrait-Spring Flower
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I give amazing reading.

The youth took out his container of fortune sticks from his sleeve.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Pick a stick, any stick, and all your worries will be answered.

← 1-6Main2-4 →

Portrait-Spring Flower
Person in Memory
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Story Bg-97
Background Music
Qingtuan’s Memory
Portrait-Spring Flower
Why does Master have to work so hard healing people?
Person in Memory
Because seeing the smiles on the faces of the cured is like a soothing answer to the pain and suffering of this world.
Story Bg-96
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts

Guilt, sadness, regret... the youth eyed the fortune stick the girl had pulled out and deciphered it in silence.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Did I get a bad one? You look troubled.
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huh? No, no.

You could say, there are lots of answers, and I don’t know which one to say.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Oh... is that so?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea

1. There is one little problem. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +5)

2. It's a little more nuanced than that. (Qingtuan +15)

3. There's one thing worth nothing. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
No matter what answer I give, you need to say out loud what’s troubling you first. The important thing isn’t what you say, but rather, that you say it out loud.

Tell the mountains and rivers, tell your Attendant, tell... yourself.

Portrait-Spring Flower

The girl hesitated for a bit, but at last she opened her mouth to speak.

Portrait-Spring Flower
My life... was saved by my Master Attendant.

From the hands of a Fallen Angel.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
A human saved a Food Soul?

The youth was stunned.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
And you feel too weighed down with gratitude? Or do you blame yourself for not protecting your Attendant?

Just like a guide, the youth was trying to draw out the girl.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
(How long has it been since I’ve done this sort of thing?)

(Usually I’m just trying to fleece people...)

He laughed at himself and shook his head, paying no mind to those stray thoughts.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Weighed down, blaming myself... I guess both... but more so... I feel worried.

Qingtuan turned and looked amidst the tombstones at the one belonging to her Attendant.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea

The girl pursed her mouth harder.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Oftentimes, I’ll think, does Master Attendant regret sacrificing himself for me?

Sometimes I’ll even think it’d be better off if my Master had lived instead of me.


Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
So nothing.

The girl was cut off before she could finish. She looked up and saw that the youth had already walked away from her.

He stepped out from under the umbrella, stood on the stone path, and stretched out his arms.

At some point, the rain had stopped, and a golden ray of sunlight pierced through the clouds, shining down on the youth.

The girl was surprised for a moment.

← 2-2Main2-6 →

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-02
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts

The youth stretch out his hand, the stick bobbing up and down in his palm.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
My Master Attendant was a silent, stern guy. He was good to me, took care of me, but in some moments, he also betrayed me.

Even though at the time it was for the sake of more people.

Portrait-Spring Flower

As he spoke, the youth suddenly shifted gears.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I say this, not to explain whether my Master was good or bad.

I just wanted to tell you that everyone makes decisions. And I’m sure they are made after careful consideration, so...

Portrait-Spring Flower

The girl suddenly cut him off with a shout.

Portrait-Spring Flower

That time, my Attendant didn’t even think!

The Fallen Angel pounced, and he just instinctively...


The girl’s voice trailed off as the hint of a sob was choked back.

The young man lifted his sleeve and wiped away the tears forming in the corners of the girl’s eyes.


1. Don't be sad. (Huangshan Maofeng Tea +15)

2. It's okay. (Qingtuan +15)

3. Don't cry. (Qingtuan +5)

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
So, is the answer not even clearer?
Portrait-Spring Flower

The girl looked up blankly.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
His instincts saved you. Doesn’t that go to show that in his heart, your life far outweighed his personal safety?

You were very important to him, that’s why he was able to risk his life for you without hesitation.

The youth patted the girl on the shoulder.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Don’t carry that burden around with you. A life of blame and regret is a bitter one.

The girl fell silent for a long time.

Portrait-Spring Flower

And you? Have you ever resented your master?

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
I wouldn’t... call it resentment, exactly?

After all, other people are important too. To him, to me.. to both of us.

And things I did later on stirred up a lot of trouble for him.

If anybody should be resented, it’s me.


Their voices were muffled by the rain and scattered by the wind.

And so, the two said goodbye.

But before the youth had left the cemetery, he heard a cry from the girl behind him.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Huangshan Maofeng...
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Spring Flower
You said that everybody makes decisions after careful consideration.

So then, your master must have known clearly what your subsequent reaction would be.

He wouldn’t resent you for it.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
...Yeah you’re right.

Thank you.

In a place where the girl couldn’t see, the youth flipped over in his hand the shortest of the fortune sticks that originally belonged to the girl, and it glowed with a soft light.

As the glow faded, the stick turned into the longest and luckiest of the fortune sticks.

Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
This world is kind, and no one bears ill will toward anyone.

← 2-4Main

Huangshan Maofeng Tea Chest →

Qingtuan Chest →

Huangshan Maofeng Tea Chest
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Story Bg-02
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts

The girl and the youth walked side-by-side down the avenue.

The girl’s palm tapped continuously on the leather cover of her book, and she and an unhappy look on her face. The youth followed along a little embarrassed, with a bit of an ingratiating grin on his face.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
I only took my eyes off you for a moment! Where did you run off to?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Um... I saw a cute kid so...
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Huang–– Shan–– Mao–– Feng––

The girl’s bell-like voice suddenly grew very deep.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Did you just say–– cute?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea

Aah! I mean, I saw a kid almost as cute as Osmanthus Cake who needed help by the roadside, so I...


The book thudded heavily against the youth’s head.

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
When we get back you’re going to copy the Book of Etiquette one hundred times.
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Ouch! Osmanthus Cake, not in the head!
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
You want more?


After grumbling for a moment, she suddenly fell silent.

A moment later––

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Nothing to say?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
You seem... a little different from before. Did something happen?
Portrait-Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Huangshan Maofeng Tea
Well, perhaps a bit of a burden has been lifted, but who knows.

Are you worried about me?

Portrait-Osmanthus Cake
Osmanthus Cake
Who would worry about you!?

← 2-6Main

Qingtuan Chest
Portrait-Spring Flower
Story Bg-02
Background Music
Stars Day 5, Daytime – Outskirts
I just knew you’d be here.
Portrait-Spring Flower
You’re back!
Yes, just passing through.

Are you alright?

Portrait-Spring Flower
...What make you ask that?
I saw you outside the cemetery.

And that man.

Portrait-Spring Flower
Oh, he’s a Food Soul. His name is Huangshan Maofeng Tea.

He’s a kind person!

Oh really...
Portrait-Spring Flower
Is there something wrong with him?
No, it’s just I think he’s a little dangerous.

The girl gave a slight smile at that.

In a soft voice, she said to the woman beside her:

Portrait-Spring Flower
Relax Toso.

He’s not a bad person.

You shouldn’t go trusting people so blindly.
Portrait-Spring Flower
Haha, alright.

He helped me!


Then I guess that makes him half-decent.

Portrait-Spring Flower

← 2-6Main
