Food Fantasy Wiki
New World
Summary Mirage was successfully slain, but the danger did not end there. At this same time, the new Palata imperial city to the south of the desert was welcoming a special guest.
Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
Story Bg-09
Southern Palata - Lashaman City
After Mirage was killed by [Name], the imperial city ruins on its back crumbled completely. [Name]'s fate was unknown. In the meantime, the new imperial city in the South-- Lashaman City-- was welcoming a visitor.

In the austerely-decorated reception hall, the sound of a cane striking the ground echoed, followed closely by the hall's main doors opening. In walked a thin, tall figure.

Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
Oh? Is that Boston Lobster? What wind blows you hither?
Background Music
Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
Green Curry, I come bearing the greetings and gifts of the Gloriville royal family. And, there is something we must discuss.
The Food Soul called Green Curry nodded his head, commanding his attendants on either side to withdraw. Only he and Boston Lobster remained in the hall.
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
I've waited many years for you, Great Brother!
Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
Yes, in order to awaken more brothers and sisters, I've spent considerable time in various places. Although... seems you've done quite well for yourself here?
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
The Sage King of Palata fell ill two years ago, and the whole royal family fell to killing each other over right of succession. Now they exist in name only.

Beforehand I had replaced everyone in the palace with brothers and sisters. Now, Palata belongs entirely to us.

Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
Well done, but this is only the start. I've been to Sakurajima, and although the humans there have been wiped out, it's still been occupied by Fallen Angels. You need to proceed with caution more than ever.
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
Oh yes, when Westminster was here, he said that development was complete on the Contract jammer.
Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
The contract framework is different from the magic forge used to summon Food Souls. This new device can cover an area the size of a city and rewrite the contracts for all the Food Souls within its range.

Once the humans lose their control over us, they will be like lambs to the slaughter. Westminster said that in the past few years, he had spread these devices all over the world, however...

Although I know you have close ties with their clan, I don't know why they would help us in this way.

Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
...This isn't to help us. Everything they do is all a part of their plan.
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
You mean...?
Portrait-Boston Lobster
Boston Lobster
For a while, I was technically one of the plan's executors, but the reason I killed their people and deviated from the plan was because I had a better option.
Portrait-Green Curry
Green Curry
Right! To belong to our New World!

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