Food Fantasy Wiki

The Dango Tribe are a group of cute and fluffy non-dangerous Fallen Angels. Of course, that doesn't mean you should go around provoking them. Leave them alone and they will leave you alone.

They might look cute and fluffy but they are still Fallen Angels. Don't let their cute appearance fool you! They can be quite the pest.

Favored Food Souls

None as top favorite.


Embryo Purify Time Awaken Success Outcome
Aizen B
Aizen B
1 h Success: 45% Red Dumpling Icon Green Dumpling Icon Purple Dumpling Icon Rum Dumpling Icon Aizen Icon
Aizen B
Aizen C
1 h Success: 45% Red Dumpling Icon Green Dumpling Icon Purple Dumpling Icon Rum Dumpling Icon Amazake Icon
Aizen D
Aizen D
30 min Success: 70% Red Dumpling Icon Green Dumpling Icon Purple Dumpling Icon Rum Dumpling Icon

